bloody_pens Sep 07, 2010 15:21
what is it with me and squid, +bell, hay guyz, +simon, +genius, +axel (lea), +krile (cara), +gai (youth), event: gooseberry, it's hard to be so awesome, this entry tastes like spam, ~nikki, let me tell you spherenets, ~nova, ~mindelan (peach), ~sumi, i rite gud, +kagerou, ic, +lyle (gene), ~promise, ~snow (snake), cos i wanna be a paperback writer, +qi
bloody_pens Aug 03, 2010 22:28
+crimson, +bell, the sphere is on drugs, hay guyz, +genius, +gai (youth), it's hard to be so awesome, this entry tastes like spam, let me tell you spherenets, ~dash, event: genius is a kitty virgin, ~mindelan (peach), fail spamtwin ftw, i luff my man-twin, ic, +lezard, +lyle (gene), crazy hippie commune, +qi